Answer for Nesting Mommas

I have read Sarah Mae’s other 2 book (Longing for Paris and Desperate), and I raved about them both to many people, so I was overjoyed to see this book was releasing soon! The book is laid out so wonderfully - I love how each day begins with a short devotional, followed by a “Mary Challenge” (a short Bible study), and then completes with a “Martha Challenge.” The “Martha Challenges” are relatively short and bite-sized ways to clean your home, but they also sometimes include bonus tips or ways to get your kids involved.

I’m only on the second day of the study, but I am excited to complete the study (and the housework). Really this book couldn’t have come at a better time, since I am 7 ½ months pregnant and entering that nesting phase, this book is the perfect companion to my need to have a clean and orderly house before baby arrives - I’m just praying the cleaning challenges don’t get too vigorous or send me into early labor!

I’m looking forward to finishing and sharing this book with my friends who need an extra boost in making their home feel more life-giving!

Thanks so much for reading!


BEAUTIFUL - everything about this book is so gorgeous! The cover art and texture, the chapter layouts, the challenges...every piece of this book is so well planned out and is extremely pleasing to look at! I wish it wasn’t a book that needed to be slowly consumed over 30 days and rather that I could just read and take in the whole thing at once! Alas, the “Martha Challenges”, which do require actual housework are keeping me thankful for the slow breakdown and day-by-day challenge!


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